Yes WO - they have it backwards.
Yesterday, in discussion with an awake friend, we were discussing how most of the elders whom we know are far removed from the role of "shepherds". Rather, they tend to mimic the Saudi Matawa - policing thoughts on the part of the sheep and summoning them to JC's upon even a weak prima facie case. Thus, we view them with considerable caution. But as for child molesters, the training of elders is quite unsuited. In another blog, I highlighted the training given to professionals in the UK, which has 4 levels depending on the nature of the professional role. WT elders do not access this training. The WTBTS sees its own resources (being a "sperate from the world" organisation mind you) as quit sufficient. Thus, elders are not competent to handle this issue, and nor is the combination of elders and the branch legal desk competent. So the issue is systemic and has the effect of protecting the perpetrators to a large extent, and exacerbating the mal-experience of victims.
In paragraph 15 of the WT study article cited in this thread, it is stated:
"...when a man named Nathanael heard that Jesus had come from Nazareth, he said: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46) Based on that comment, how might you have labeled Nathanael? Critical? Prejudiced? Faithless? Jesus exercised insight and looked for the good in Nathanael."
This is another galling paradox, for the WTBTS / GBoJW is indeed critical, prejudiced, and faithless (with the exception of FDS promotion / veneration). They are highly critical of anyone who disagrees with them even a little, and regardless of the point of disagreement having the authority of scripture. They are most definitely prejudiced against many institutions (charities and NGO's) in today's world which otherwise do a good job. I would go as far a saying that they are quite sectarian (anti-catholic especially) despite them paying the RC Church the highest of compliments by emulating some of their practices (the Magesterium, clergy/laity distinctions, elevation and veneration of some individuals). Yet their policies do have the effect of protecting child molesters. The elder who receives a report of such abuse from a victim or the victim's parents and who recommends contacting the police \ child protection services (those with the appropriate skill mix), that elder will at the very least have his "qualifications" reviewed and may have to relinquish his role. This rather like elders who would be supportive of their youngs ones having a university education.
So we do really have a paradox in that innocent but dissenting ones are pursued but responses to child molesters are misguided / protected from the law. The meeting I mentioned was galling and nauseating. The content of the meeting and written material was poor. Then again, what more can be expected from today's WTBTS / GBoJW? the maxim is indeed true, that "they who expect nothing, shall not be disappointed!"